Letter to Parents: Contacting the Academy

Fri 22 Nov 2024
Dear Parents and Carers, 

We know that, at times of high demand, it can be difficult to contact  the academy as a result of our busy phone lines and we appreciate that this can be frustrating for you.  A reminder for families that one of the easiest ways to contact us is by emailing a member of staff directly. For your ease of reference, please see key contact information below:

Learning Manager

SLT year group links for additional queries or concerns

SLT Link

Other Key Contacts

Education Welfare and attendance support

Attendance Support Link

Should you need to contact a member of staff who is not on this list, please send your email to enquiries@shafton.outwood.com and we will be able to support in directing your query; queries are answered, in the first instance, by Miss Phillips, PA to the Principal.

Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen