Dear Parent/Carer,
The Outwood Honours Programme
I hope you are now all able to access the Parent and Carer Portal, which allows you to see your child’s Praising Stars online, as well as see information about their praise, consequences and attendance.
Over the past week I have had the pleasure of launching the Outwood Honours Programme to KS3 students in assemblies with further information being delivered to KS4 in tutor time. I know that they are now excited to start collecting their honour badges.
Yourself and your child can access their Honours information via the Parent and Carer Portal button on the academy website, using your child’s school email address. The Honours Programme is made up of 100 badges that students can achieve in and out of the academy. All staff members may award badges as part of a series of lessons or enrichments. Students can also request badges, but must provide evidence of their achievements, before a badge will be awarded.
The Honours Programme has been designed to encourage students to strive to be the very best versions of themselves, take ownership of their own development, and to acknowledge their achievements both inside and outside of the academy.
Please use the link shared here to access
a google form where you will have the opportunity to nominate your child for Honours based on experiences completed outside of the academy.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Mel Taylor
Associate Assistant Principal