Dear Parent/Carer,
As a part of your child’s education at Outwood Academy Shafton, we promote personal well-being and development through a comprehensive personal development education programme.
We are delighted to share with you some of the personal development opportunities and external providers we are welcoming into the academy this week to deliver impactful messages to our students on emerging issues. All students have taken part in PD days from Y7-10. In January we welcomed SY Police to deliver Guns and Knives Takes Lives to Y7, Consent and ‘Your Life, Your Choice’ as part of their educational programme. We have had Emma from SPACE to deliver an informative assembly on vaping to Y8 whilst our NHS corridor workshops continue to provide additional support for our students at lunchtime.
We continue to deliver our High Performance Foundation: Game Plan during form time to Y11 focused on employability skills including resilience, teamwork and problem solving. On Thursday we will welcome ‘The Riot Act’ workshops for Y11 who will talk about Young Driver Safety as in the near future, students may decide to learn to drive plus passenger safety. This includes consequences of mobile phone usage and driving under the influence. During the last day of term, our Y9 students will be able to experience ODDARTS drama workshops on radicalisation and extremism which will talk about where we get our beliefs from and what influences us
I am finally delighted to share with you our
PD Newsletter showcasing the amazing opportunities our students experience whilst at Outwood Academy Shafton.
As a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents; parental feedback has indicated that the overwhelming majority of parents continue to be highly supportive of the personal development programme. If you would like to discuss any of the external provider led assemblies or workshops please contact the academy on 01226 717730 /
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Riley
Assistant Principal