28 June 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
On Thursday 30th June 2022 we are fortunate to welcome David Foster from Stand Against Violence into the academy to deliver some extremely important messages during an assembly with all Y7 and Y8 students.
Stand Against Violence delivers age appropriate assemblies and will address the issue of bullying during a powerful yet sensitively delivered session using the true story of Amber, a young girl whose experiences were such that she took her own life.
You can see an overview of SAV's work on their website:
https://standagainstviolence.co.uk/workshops/anti-bullying/ If you feel that you have any concerns about your child attending the assembly for personal reasons, please contact Miss Fox at
s.fox@shafton.outwood.com for any safeguarding concerns or Mrs Riley at
s.riley@shafton.outwood.com for any other concerns that you may have.
Students will be given more details nearer the time with regards to the timings of these assemblies during the academy day.
Yours faithfully
Sarah Riley
Personal Development Lead