Conduct in the Community

Tue 04 Oct 2022
4 October 2022
Dear Parents and Carers, 
Conduct in the Community
As you know, in line with our new Positive Discipline for Learning and Life Policy, we are teaching students to Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. We are already seeing the impact of this work in the academy and especially with Year 7 students as part of their ACE Programme.
Very sadly, we have received a number of concerns from members of our community about the conduct of students in terms of road safety and behaviour on public transport. There is a real concern that, as a result of dangerous behaviour, there will be a serious accident involving students or motorists. Obviously we do not want this to happen. 
We are asking for your help. 
We are asking if you could please speak to your child about road safety, both in terms of being safe when using bikes/scooters to get to/from the academy, the basics of crossing roads safely and their conduct as pedestrians. 
If your child uses public transport, we would ask that they consider the passengers around them and refrain from vaping and using abusive language. 
We are a community, you live in this community and we serve this community. I am hopeful that by working together and addressing the concerns received from our community, we can make our community a safer place for everyone.
Yours faithfully, 
Alison McQueen