Year 7: Personal Development

Tue 24 Jan 2023
Y7 Personal Development (Assemblies and Workshops)
Dear Parent/Carer,
During the months of February and March we are excited to share with you the opportunities for your child's personal development. During the month different year groups will be able to experience assemblies and/ or workshops delivered by external agencies from around the country. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to develop into positive role models and focuses on some of the areas in our RSE and Health Education curriculum and underpins our academies’ wider curriculum delivery:
  • emotional intelligence;
  • understanding their own mental health;
  • developing a positive self-image and self-worth;
  • how to develop healthy relationships;
  • responsibility for their own personal hygiene;
  • how to keep themselves safe;
  • understanding the importance of physical activity;

Student Voice overwhelmingly asked for us to contact a range of external providers and workshops to support this delivery and we are pleased to share these with you. This term, we are very lucky to host the Self Esteem Team, an external provider, to deliver to the Y7 cohort. The Self Esteem Team will focus on:

‘For most people, confidence peaks and troughs throughout life, but developing an understanding of where self-

esteem comes from at a young age can really help to keep a person in the driver's seat. In this class, students will learn to challenge the labels we place on people and discover ways to create a positive feedback loop for 

themselves and interacting with others’.  Self Esteem Team, 2023

In addition, students will also be visited by South Yorkshire Fire Service who will deliver an extended assembly called ‘Heat of the Moment’. This looks at the choices and consequences and includes sensitive content in relation to a true story. It is aimed at educating young people about fire safety, highlighting the dangers of arson and hoax calls. Heat of the Moment is part of a fire safety education programme which has been commissioned by the National Community Fire Safety Centre, part of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Children and young people are particularly vulnerable to death and injury by fire. It is aimed at encouraging young people to take responsibility for their own actions and to understand the consequences of such behavior and the impact on communities. If there are any issues with the above, or any reasons that you think your child should not attend any of the sessions, please contact Mrs Riley on

Finally, our Anti Bullying Ambassadors are currently working on a number of projects in the academy in celebrating differences in all and having a respectful culture. We are working with CompassBe who have kindly offered to provide a workshop for our students to support their ideas. If you would like your child to attend this please complete the Google Form- they do not need to already be an Anti Bullying Ambassador- we would love as many students as possible attending the event on the 2nd of March (Anti Bullying Ambassador Workshop).

Yours sincerely

Sarah Riley
Associate Assistant Principal