Letter to Parents 21 March 2023

Tue 21 Mar 2023
21 March 2023
Dear Parent and Carer,
I wanted to let you know that our students, your children, made us exceptionally proud every day, especially our Y11 students and the way that they have conducted themselves through the mock exam period.
We continue to focus on praise and kindness. Indeed, students themselves are leading on this and some older students have plans to deliver assemblies to younger year groups around kindness and respecting our environment.  Visitors regularly comment on how kind, welcoming and respectful our students are. A recent visitor to the academy met with groups of students throughout the day and gave brilliant feedback on how well students from Y7 - Y11 had conducted themselves.
We are always thankful that our students consider other students and staff in terms of the learning environment in the academy. A small number of students raised a concern about not wanting to wear their blazers today as they returned from lunch.  They will be pleased to note we have taken immediate action and our heating has now been switched off for the summer term.  Please remind them that any actions from students that would compromise our community culture, as always, will be treated with the utmost seriousness and would result in a suspension for students failing to comply with reasonable requests, as this ultimately could endanger others and impact on our whole school standards.  Please support us and ensure that your children are aware of this.  
Our academy is a community where all members have equal value and worth. We always encourage our students to contribute actively in shaping the educational experience they and their fellow students receive. Any student in any classroom in any year, has a voice that should be heard and our Student Voice programme facilitates this in our academy.  Student Voice sits at the heart of our academy. 
We hope to see many of you at our evening performance tonight and tomorrow of Matilda.  Our students are very proud of this performance.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen