Year 7 Parents

Wed 21 Jun 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, thank you for your continued support in ensuring that your child arrives at the academy each day equipped and dressed smartly in our academy uniform.

As we continue to drive our standards forward and hold our students accountable for being ready to learn, this means arriving at the academy in a safe, respectful and responsible manner. 

We expect that your child brings a pencil case including a pen, pencil, ruler and red pen every day. Your child must make sure that they have the equipment they need for every lesson to eliminate any lost learning time and issues around equipment. 

We will continue to support students with this, however please ensure that your child has their pencil case along with their planner and full uniform. Learning Managers and the senior team are on every door each morning supporting students in ensuring that they have the highest standards for themselves. We will continue to make contact with home to ask for your support if students forget equipment or are not adhering to uniform standards. 

If you have any questions about this or need additional support from us please email the Y7 Learning Manager, Mr Earle at

Yours faithfully, 

Laura Kaye 
Associate Assistant Principal