Year 11 November Assessments

Mon 23 Oct 2023
Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to make you aware that your child will start their first round of Y11 trial exams when they return to the academy after half term.  This exam window will last three weeks and start on Monday 13th November 2023 and end on Friday 1st December 2023.  During this time, your child will have exams in most/all of the subjects they are studying as part of their GCSEs.  The timetable for these exams has been shared on the Y11 Google Classroom Notice Board and will be uploaded to the website before Half Term. Students will be given a printed copy of the timetable as we return to school in November.

As you are aware, our staff have been running after school sessions in all subject areas since the start of the year; this will continue up to the summer GCSE exams. There will also be sessions running in the holidays for certain subjects to allow students to prepare for exams or complete/refine coursework for their technical/vocational award subjects. We are also able to offer Masterclasses in certain subjects which will be delivered by directors. Information about these masterclasses can be found here.

As we continue to work with you to secure the best possible outcomes for your child this summer, we ask that you reiterate the importance of the following:

  • Excellent attendance: students who do not do exams due to absence will be required to complete these at a later date and may miss curriculum time.

  • Excellent conduct and effort in all exams: students who do not apply themselves to the best of their ability and/or behave poorly could be issued consequences in-line with the Positive Discipline for Learning and Life Policy. Any disruption to exams in the summer series can result in a disqualification from the exam regulators.

Finally, I have been overjoyed to see the commitment shown by our Y11 students at the start of this half term. I am incredibly proud of the start the ‘Class of 2024’ have made to their final year at Outwood Academy Shafton. I look forward to working with you over the coming months, to help secure fantastic GCSE results for your child and to celebrate their results together this summer.

Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen