December 2023: Letter to Parents

Thu 21 Dec 2023
Dear Parents & Carers,
As we break for Christmas, I wanted to write and thank you for your continued support over this last term.

Your children continue to show such incredible resilience and determination to succeed. There has been a culture shift in the academy and students are going above and beyond with their efforts in class and their attitudes towards each other with many students being rewarded for their Random Acts of Kindness. 

You will have seen on our X (Twitter) page, @OutwoodShafton, that we continue to celebrate student success both in and out of school; our #ProudThursday posts are an absolute joy to see! 

There have been some incredible moments to celebrate since we came back in September and it has been an absolute joy to open up our academy doors to welcome in our community; most recently for our Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch and our Christmas Performance.

Year 7 students made a fabulous start to their secondary journey; they have engaged brilliantly with our ACE Programme and celebrations have taken place to recognise this.

Our Honours launch was a wonderful event and students have been achieving a range of honours badges which we celebrate weekly.  Our Praising Stars celebrations have been held this week and it is fantastic to see the results of hard work and determination.  For relevant Y11 students, intervention plans for next half term are currently being shared with parents.

Our Christmas dinner day and Christmas jumper day were as always festive and magical occasions bringing our whole school community together.

We have worked hard over the last 2 weeks of this term to build opportunities for students to be successful and have a fresh start for January 2024. We have completed Fresh Start intervention this week for students owing 10+ C4/C5 sanctions and we have consolidated sanctions for students. Parental support and engagement has been brilliant and gratefully received, resulting in positive choices made by students. In the new term we will start with 'New Year, New You' assemblies discussing healthy habits and why the new year is a great time to make positive changes in student life. 

Many thanks for your ongoing support; I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and peaceful Christmas. 
Yours faithfully, 
Alison McQueen