Letter to Y9 Parents

Fri 28 Jun 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,

We have some exciting events coming up for Year 9 this term! 

As we head towards the end of the academic year all Year 9 students who have met the graduation criteria will have, by now, received a letter of invitation to attend their ceremony day (invite responses to be returned by Wednesday 5th July). During graduation week, any students not graduating on a specified day will attend lessons as normal. Graduates will have a celebration event at the end of term, this will be an inflatable extravaganza on the school grounds on Thursday 18 July.

We have made a decision because we want students to be successful,  that any students who did not meet the graduation criteria will be given the opportunity to attend the inflatable extravaganza event with their peers if they show improvement in their behaviour choices and/or attendance during an additional monitoring period. If students would like to attend the inflatable extravaganza they will receive a monitoring card from the Year 9 team. 

A letter with more information regarding inflatables, timings etc will be sent in the penultimate week!

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Riley                     Brad Holmes                 Kate Wragg
Assistant Principal        Learning Manager        SLT Link Y9