Letter to Parents: Personal Development & Praise

Tue 16 Jul 2024
16 July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are delighted to share with you our Summer Personal Development and Praise celebrations.

During the summer term we have welcomed a number of external guests including the Riot Act (Road Safety) for Year 9, Tom Talks (Mental Health and wellbeing) for Year 10, Prison? Me? No Way! for Year 8 and First Aid Schools CPR training to the whole of our Y7! 

During this final week our Y10 have taken part in workplace mock interviews and Heppsy assemblies and workshops. Personal development is incredibly important to us at Shafton, preparing our students for their future lives. 

Our Prom and Graduation have been an amazing celebration of the achievements of our Year 11 and Year 9 students and we have continued to celebrate praise points and Proud Thursday every week.  During the final week of term we will be celebrating our ACE winners in Year 7 and our top praise points winners. On the final day of term, we will be sharing Praising Stars reports with students in a Summer themed event during breaktime! A fantastic way to end the term.

This year we are hosting a BBQ to celebrate our Student Voice, very proud of them for  winning the national Votes for Schools Secondary School of the Year! We also attended the Barnsley Chronicle Young Champion Awards winning the award for best Community Group (Student Voice).  An amazing achievement for the hard work that our students put into student voice events including Bike Fest, elderly luncheon, BEE Kind club, charity events, leadership team, Outwood conference and the Diana Award to name a few…! 

We are proud of the praise system we have at Shafton, including the wide range of praise celebrations from praise points to Random Acts of Kindness, Principal Postcards to the Y11 Prom. Our final praise event will be hosted on Thursday 18th July. Students will be invited to attend an inflatables reward on Thursday if they have met the year group criteria shared with them in their Step Up assembly. Students will be able to find out on Wednesday if they have been successful in gaining an invitation.

Thank you for your support and many kind words that have been shared with us in relation to our community activities 

Yours faithfully, 
Sarah Riley
Assistant Principal