Letter to Year 11: GCSE Results Day

Wed 17 Jul 2024

Dear Y11 Students,

I am writing to invite you to collect your GCSE results on Thursday 22 August 2024 between 8.45am and 11.00am.  Please come into school via the back entrance to the Sports Hall.  Do not arrive earlier than your collection time because results will not be ready before that time.

We ask that you collect your envelope and move into the outdoor space at the back of the sports hall if you wish to meet with friends and family.

We are really looking forward to seeing you on the day, however, if you would prefer your parents, or another responsible adult to collect your results, you must give them a note, signed by you, stating that you give permission for them to collect the results. They will need to provide identification in the form of their passport, photo driving licence etc.

If you are unable to collect your results in person, you can send a stamped addressed envelope, marked for the attention of the Exams & Assessment Officer prior to results day and we will post the results to you on the afternoon of the 22 August 2024. 

The results will be on school letter headed paper and will not be your certificates. They will however be accepted by post-16 College providers as evidence of your qualifications.  Certificates are sent to school during the Autumn term and you will be invited to collect them later in the year.

If you have any queries regarding the availability of your Exam results, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Van Noort, Exams & Assessment Officer on 01226 717730, ext. 221.

Yours faithfully,

Alison McQueen