Dear Parent/Carer,
This week we are fortunate to welcome South Yorkshire Police into the academy to deliver some extremely important messages during an assembly with all Y8 -10 students as part of their assembly programme. Y7 have had ‘Guns and Knives Take Lives’ assembly this term and Year 9 have already had assemblies on consent and ‘Your Life, Your Choice'.
The assemblies this week are as follows:
- Y8: Child Criminal Exploitation to educate young people how to spot the signs of CCE in a young person and how to report concerns.
- Y9: Sharing Images whole year group to provide young people with the knowledge and information relating to sharing images highlighting the law and the consequences.
- Y10: Stalking and Harassment - to provide young people with the knowledge and information relating to stalking and harassment highlighting the law and the consequences.
During the age appropriate assembly they will address knife/ gun crime and legislation, County Lines and Child Criminal Exploitation supported by anecdotal evidence from the presenter.
If you feel that you have any concerns about your child attending the assembly for personal reasons, please contact for any safeguarding concerns or for other concerns.
Students will be given more details nearer the time with regards to the timings of these assemblies during the academy day.
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Riley
Assistant Principal