ACE Programme & ACE Redeem

Tue 18 Oct 2022
18 October 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
ACE Programme
Many thanks for your continued support with the ACE Programme this half term. I am proud to say that students in Year 7 have made a fantastic start to this academic year. Students have participated in their ACE Bronze modules and have been successful in collecting signatures from staff and completing their Bronze Passports this half term too. Students have worked extremely hard in lessons and in the wider community of the school too and have gained many achievements through enrichment, Learning Stars and PROUD Thursday. 
At the end of the term, we will be congratulating and rewarding our students for the fantastic work that they have shown this term. We are excited to announce that our end of year rewards trip has been booked and students who have been successful this term will be welcomed onto the trip and have this opportunity to look forward to. 
We do understand however, that some students at this stage will need an additional level of intervention to support them in completing their Bronze Passports.  Therefore, some of our students will be placed on our ACE Redeem Programme. This will give these students additional support from staff in the academy and will enable them to have a reset in the programme so that we can help our students to make the right choices and to ensure that they can be successful in working their way to the top of the Outwood pyramid. Students will be placed on the ACE Redeem Programme if they are:
  • Gaining three or more sanctions per week 
  • Not following the Academy Conduct and Expectations 
  • Not following the 3 B’s - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible 
We ask that the ACE Redeem reports are monitored by parents/carers so that we can work together to help our students get back on track as quickly as possible. We also encourage the students to reflect on their behaviour and think about the positive steps they have taken during the week so that we can praise the students for their correct behaviour and good choices. 
The ultimate aim of this programme is to prepare students for the journey at Outwood Academy Shafton and support them with reaching the very top of the pyramid that adorns all of our academies. This is not just about grades, but about helping our children to acquire the moral character that will bring them and our community happiness. Overall, it teaches students to Be Safe, Be Respectful & Be Responsible. 
If you have any questions about the ACE programme, please contact me via email at:

Yours faithfully,
Laura Kaye 
Associate Assistant Principal/ACE Leader