We are delighted to share our first Personal Development Newsletter of the year with you. Our Life curriculum for this term is included in the newsletter but at a glance, this will be:
Life Curriculum Overview (Term 1)
Y7- Healthy Habits
Topic Question: What are healthy habits?
Y7- Life in Modern Britain
Topic Question: How can we be good citizens?
Y8- Being Aware
Topic Question: How can we look after our health, wellbeing and safety?
Topic Question: What are Jewish beliefs and practices?
Y9- Christianity
Topic Question: What are the beliefs and teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible?
Y9- Relationship, Sex and Health Education (Spectrum- external provider)
Y9- Politics
Topic Question: How can I bring about political change in the future?
Y10- Philosophy and Ethics
Topic Question: How do ethics influence our lives?
Y10- Buddhism
Topic Question: What are the basic practices and beliefs of Buddhism?