Letter to Parents: Shoes and Uniform

Tue 03 Sep 2024
03 September 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been wonderful to welcome Year 11 back to the academy today and to extend a warm welcome to our new Year 7 students. We have been thrilled to see how smart students look and how well prepared and equipped students are for learning and we have you to thank for that.

We have shared numerous communications before summer and during the holidays in relation to uniform and footwear; we have addressed incorrect footwear issues today but we must reiterate that our shoe policy does not allow for any trainer style shoes an example of this would be the Kicker trainer like shoes. Our shoe policy does not allow for shoes with embellishments on them, an example of this would be Vivienne Westwood shoes. This is clearly stated in our Trust wide uniform policy. For ease of reference, you can find the section of our policy on shoes below:
Please can you ensure that your child arrives tomorrow in footwear according to our uniform policy.

Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen